Friday 29 November 2013

Enjoy while you can

So i just decided to write this blogpost because i have beenz thinkingz ofz myz lifezxc LOL. 

Asked this friend of mine working with me (she's 21 btw), what will she do if she can relive her 16 year old days. And what she said honestly surprised me because it's not "study hard" but instead enjoy your life and do what you like. She also mentioned how stressed we are now but if we ever look back it's just a tiny speck of our past. Take our psle for example, pretty much all of us were doing papers and assessment books, stressed as hell but to us now, it's easy peasy. So i guess being positive and enjoying life is something i should be doing right now. Be bold. Be confident. Do what you like. Confess to your crush. Tell someone you love them. We have to realise life, is actually really short. Being positive and having good vibes really helps and turn things around, makes people to see stuffs from different perspectives too. That's what I'm trying really hard to do. 



Wanted to just blog maybe something small because I'm waiting for my stomach to digest my food before going for a run mmhmm. 

Everything around me reminds me of you. Songs, trains, so much stuff. But i just have to convince myself that i can't and shouldn't like you because I wouldn't be the type of girl that you like and i shouldn't be wasting my time and mind space thinking so casually about you. The person at the losing end would only be me. So hopefully i will stop thinking about you and it will go away soon; good vibes! Lots of things to say in my heart but i just dont have the feel to type it out because i dont know how to phrase it ahhh. ㅠㅠ 

On the other hand, today hasnt been a really great day because the salad i made was too wet and also i spilled and troubled my boss a bunch of stuffs. Are you the jinx who took away my distraction and motivation? Hah. Weird to say this but i really cant wait for school to start. At least with school i will have an aim and a goal in my life to do something and be occupied. Instead of just drifting along and taking each day one step at a time, makes me feel lifeless too. Everything looks like it's falling apart. I really want to be a devoted buddhist and go more into buddhism so maybe i will talk to my dad about it. ㅋ 

SALAD SALAD SALAD my hand even smells like salad. 

Off for my run maybe i will blog again later? ppyong~ 


P.S. does putting C. makes the whole thing looks weird help 

Wednesday 27 November 2013

New Start

Guess this is a new blog again hehe. 

Wanted a username with soul inside because then it will represent what I really want to say or rant from deep inside my heart. 0186 a number of this very special someone but doesn't matter because souled/./blogspot/./com wasn't available sighsie. Pretty much just laying on my bed and using my laptop typing and thinking what I really want to write about and also preparing to go to school and work. Tough day ahead since I'm gonna work for 10 hours today so let's do this well! 

So much stuffs on my mind recently about you that's driving me crazy. Going to places we have been before and doing stuffs which keeps reappearing in my mind ha ha ha. I don't think it's a crush but more of like a infatuation hmm maybe? S'okay I will just be a little kid idling in my own little world. We all have this stage whereby we have crushes and love but all I understood was just loving people and appreciating people who are around you, your friends, family, loved ones. Not in any urge to get a boyfriend or anything but let's just take things slowly and SINGLE READY TO MINGLE WOOHOO. Maybe when the right person enters we shall see how from there haha. So deep of celine to say all those but hey it's the truth isn't it!

But boys don't like sad girls. 
