Friday 29 November 2013


Wanted to just blog maybe something small because I'm waiting for my stomach to digest my food before going for a run mmhmm. 

Everything around me reminds me of you. Songs, trains, so much stuff. But i just have to convince myself that i can't and shouldn't like you because I wouldn't be the type of girl that you like and i shouldn't be wasting my time and mind space thinking so casually about you. The person at the losing end would only be me. So hopefully i will stop thinking about you and it will go away soon; good vibes! Lots of things to say in my heart but i just dont have the feel to type it out because i dont know how to phrase it ahhh. ㅠㅠ 

On the other hand, today hasnt been a really great day because the salad i made was too wet and also i spilled and troubled my boss a bunch of stuffs. Are you the jinx who took away my distraction and motivation? Hah. Weird to say this but i really cant wait for school to start. At least with school i will have an aim and a goal in my life to do something and be occupied. Instead of just drifting along and taking each day one step at a time, makes me feel lifeless too. Everything looks like it's falling apart. I really want to be a devoted buddhist and go more into buddhism so maybe i will talk to my dad about it. ㅋ 

SALAD SALAD SALAD my hand even smells like salad. 

Off for my run maybe i will blog again later? ppyong~ 


P.S. does putting C. makes the whole thing looks weird help 

1 comment:

  1. You should convert to Christianity ! And C. Is nice babe keep it that way. Who's the secret guy huh ? Why never tell me !
