Wednesday 23 April 2014

A cat barks.

Sucks when you put in so much effort just to screw up the entire thing in the end. For example, my chemistry paper. I tried and studied so hard but still made so much and many silly mistakes. I hate the feeling of working so hard for something yet i do not get back the same amount. Newton 3rd law. Every action has a reaction. Sighpie. Screams CID too. Worked so hard for it and the marks were thrown in my face. What's the use to be honest. :( And i had to act strong and cheerful infront of my classmates and friends as i knew i shouldnt be a burden and complain to them how i felt. I felt really lousy and stuffs. I want to scream and throw stuffs, run to school, take my paper, tear it and jump into the black hole. Sounds legit. But still i feel so disappointed in myself. I hate receiving sorry or comforting looks from people because I hate to be weak in other people's eyes. So, I smiled, laughed and tried to liven up the mood. But instead deep down inside i know I'm slowly tearing apart. I don't want to be a disappoint to my parent because even thouh they tell me that it's okay sweetheart, i knew they wanted me to be world's champion. Bed of roses. And someone had to add vinegar over my wound by telling me to suicide if I'm sad. Yay thanks! Thank you and all hail to you the king! Lol. Wednesday, I became the insensitive me again, that one monster i was all along!!!! And became angsty when my friend (sorry;() was slightly slow. Angsty!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh I'm gonna apologise to 2 people tomorrow ;-;. Bottom of the world. Boohoo to me.

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