Friday 10 January 2014


I realise people actually read my blog like whaaaaaaat??1!1?1!1?1 Especially people who i didn't expect read my blog. 

I feel that if i laugh or smile more i will feel happier. Maybe that's why i try to do that more often. Hoping that it works and maybe i will feel positive and optimistic even in the school year!!!! Realise how ddoing i can be around people when i'm just really comfortable or i just let it go. In school, i often keep quiet because i'm really scared people will find me annoying (maybe i am), or i'm just too tired to even move. One thing that my teacher once told me "Singaporeans can laugh at others but not at themselves." I laughed at myself with my friends today while at ochard and it actually wasnt embarrassing at all but more of like me being really open and fine with them. I'm learning how to laugh at myself so that i will become less sensitive and self-conscious. I really want to improve myself, find a goal in life and work towards it. But currently now i'm at the stage of having fun so let's take things slowly!! And maybe because nowadays, i realise friends around me are starting to change a little, like don't you ever care about my opinions and feelings? But maybe it's because i didn't care about theirs too. "Treat others like how you would like to be treated." Rule rule rule. 
Thank god for friends anyway :) 


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