Wednesday 11 December 2013


Wow what is this coming to. 

How can you even like someone without knowing them well enough. Not even knowing who they are actually and talking to them. Isn't liking someone, how u feel towards them and when someone asks you why do you like them - "I don't know really. I guess i just really like her." If liking someone is all about qualities what if one day that special someone loses that likeable quality, will you still like her? Or if you are together, will you still love her? And also women are not toys to play with. Don't just mess with our feelings and get our hearts all fluttery just to crash it down. Because that's not what we are for. We're humans. We have emotions too. Wanna play with feelings? Play with those girls whose heart turned black, not with those who tries their best just to impress the guy they like. Don't treat us like trash. 



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