Wednesday 11 December 2013

When is it my turn :(

Holy shit so cute. On the way to work and i saw a teenage couple around my age but ahh they're so cute. The girl was like laughing and the boy was laughing along with her. And then suddenly he puts his hand on her head and lets her head lean against his chest. It isn't those isanely gross couple moment but just the shy move of the guy ahh. When the mrt jerked, he put a hand on her shoulder to steady her wow. The girl isn't victoria secret pretty and the guy isn't aeropostale hot but they're wearing matching colour shirt and it's just jajshwjdheh. The guy dresses really well too. Guys who makes an effort to dress well, you deserve an extra karma point i swear. 

P.S I got caught looking at them oopsie.


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